Category: News

AC Hackney In The Paper

Not the best title for an article. But we were requested by the communication director at Audax uk if we would like to do a news paper article. “Why not” that is what I said. So please feel free to

Bristol-Hackney Challenge

Audax Club Bristol have challenged us to a duel, with the weapon of choice being a 400km DIY group ride. They will ride Bristol-Hackney-Bristol, whilst we will ride Hackney-Bristol-Hackney, meeting halfway, probably in Newbury, on each leg. Trophies will be

ACB Challenge Dates

A definitive date still hasn’t been set for the inaugural Bristol-Hackney Challenge, but we’re looking at sometime between Mille Cymru (27th June) and The Highlands, Glens & Western Isles (21st July).

Monthly Meeting

We are starting a monthly club night meetup on the last Friday of the month – first one will be on 31st January, 6pm onwards. Location is The Salisbury on Green Lanes, just over the Hackney border in Harringay, but
